Scottish Association for Mental Health

Organisation: Scottish Association for Mental Health

Programme name: Active Living Becomes Achievable (ALBA)

Country: Scotland

City: Fife

Sport / Physical activity: ALBA uses a person-centred approach to selecting physical activities, as such physical activities can include anything from walking, jogging, gym workouts, swimming, dance classes, gardening.

Programme information, aims and objectives: ALBA is a physical activity intervention which aims to help individuals experiencing poor physical or mental wellbeing to increase and maintain their physical activity levels, improve quality of life and mental wellbeing. 

Participants: Individuals are of mixed age ranging between 19 to 75 years, of any gender, and of any mental health disorder.Clients are referred to a supported physical activity programme by medical practitioners working to alleviate physical or mental challenges.

Sessions: Sessions take place once a week for 90 minutes in sports facilities, local community settings, and natural environments; and, include a variety of activities such as walking, jogging, gym workouts, swimming, dance classes, and gardening. The intensity of sessions ranges from low to moderate, and depending upon the activity an instructor can be present (e.g., instructors are available for classes and the gym). Sessions include plenary/feedback during which goals, targets and challenges are addressed. Participants can be part of a programme for 16 weeks and longer, if they are part of long term programme this lasts up to 18 months.

Evaluation/Measurement of outcomes: The programme has been, and continues to be, evaluated via questionnaires at baseline and completion of each milestone (16 weeks, 6 months, 12 months and 18 months). Specifically, a PhD will be produced by Napier University in September 2019, and the Scottish Government produce regular updates under action 31 of their 10-year strategy. To date, significant increases of both mental wellbeing and physical activity have been found. Furthermore, the programme has a 57% retention rate compared to the average of 20%.

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