Aktiv für die Seele e.V.

Organisation: Aktiv für die Seele e.V.

Programme name: Aktiv für die Seele (Active for the mind)

City: Tönisvorst (Headquaters), operating in Tönisvorst, Essen, Olpe (North Rhine-Westphalia)

Sport / Physical activity: Fitness rehabilitation sport

Programme information, aims and objectives: “Aktiv für die Seele” is a non-profit organization specialized in rehabilitation for mental illness through sports and creativity. Their main aim is to help people afflicted by mental illness to develop their own inner strength to overcome their condition. Support is also offered for people at risk of mental illness to prevent the worsening of the condition. Aktiv für die Seele promotes social integration and meaningfulness of experience as important components of mental rehabilitation.

Participants: Adult participants can voluntarily participate in the program following medical prescription, with support from German public health insurance. The most frequent diagnosed conditions in the program are depression, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder, seldom also addictive disorder.  A Group consists of between 5 and 15 persons. Each participant can engage in the program typically for 50 sessions, medical prescriptions for 120 sessions during three years are possible.  After which a second cycle is possible with medical prescription. Participants also have the choice to become club members to continue participating in activities without medical recommendation.

Sessions: Weekly sessions of rehabilitation sport are offered at different gyms currently in three regions (Tönisvorst, Essen, Olpe). The sessions last for 45 minutes and consist of fitness training of intermediate intensity with an important component of cognitive stimulation. This is achieved through playful activities that develop mobility, perception, reflexes and memory. The training provides an opportunity to address the participant’s feelings and mental state during a process aimed at overcoming mental illness. This process is accompanied by a trainer certified in psychiatric rehabilitation sports.  Every training starts with a  worm up session, and finishes with a feedback round where participants can share their feelings and training experience.

Nordic-walking events in  a nearby park are organized  sometimes instead of gym training, currently only for participants from one of the three groups.

Evaluation/Measurement of outcomes: Aktiv für die Seele complies with quality certification by the Association for Disabled Rehabilitation in North Rhine-Westphalia (Behinderten - und Rehabilitationssportverband Nordrhein-Westfalen; BRSNW), supervised with on site audits. Patient evaluation is performed by their treating doctors, continual recommendation of new patients speaks of good results achieved by Aktiv für die Seele.

Further information: www.aktiv-fuer-die-seele.de